Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fucking Follow-Up to SBS 2003 to SBS 2011 Bullshit

So. The active directory integration fucking failed, but the existing domain controller still had the name of the one I was installing, and had it listed as a domain controller.

What's worse, the fucking new server took over ALL the fucking operations master roles, and I had to seize them back on the old domain controller.

So if you find yourself in the same fucking boat, here's what to do.

Format the new fucking server, and while that's going on, cause god knows it can take all fucking day, go into the existing DC, seize all the fucking roles back, and remove the new DC that you're formatting from AD.

If you can, it might be a good idea to start the whole god damned goat-rope all over again... remove the fucking migration shit from the existing DC, and install it again, giving the new domain controller a new name if possible.

Once fucking Windows was installed, by the way, I had to reinstall fucking exchange too. It was in a different partition, in a components folder. Fuck you, Dell. Fuck you.



  1. Next time check out

    Did you read the SBS migration documents ahead of time?

    Check out as well.

    You first exposure to a migration of SBS should not be on a client's box on a Saturday night. You are setting yourself up for failure.

    P.S. the setup routine does it's own reboots. There's no need to manually do it.

    If you need help to complete the migration process head on over to

  2. I agree with you. I took over the project for another tech who couldn't do it last minute, and I didn't know it was 2011 until I got there.

    That said, I did read up on it, and would have been fine... I just didn't notice the 2003 server's reboot request after the AdPrep... My own stupidity.

    The setup routine DOES do it's own reboots on the new server, but not on he old one after the adprep.

    And in fairness, I lashed out a Dell in that post above, but I'm well aware it was my own fault. The beauty of having my own blog is I don't have to be right. ;)
